

gem install hobo --pre
hobo new my_app

Hobo Setup Wizard 
  Do you want to start the Setup Wizard now?
(Choose 'no' if you need to manually customize any file before running the Wizard.
You can rerun it at any time with `hobo g setup_wizard` from the application root dir.) [y|n]

     Test Framework 
Do you want to customize the test_framework? [y|n] n

 Invite Only Option 
Do you want to add the features for an invite only website? [y|n] n

 User Resource 
Choose a name for the user resource [=user|]: 

Do you want to send an activation email to activate the user? [y|n] y

 Front Controller 
Choose a name for the front controller [=front|]: 

 Admin Subsite 
Do you want to add an admin subsite? [y|n] n
  => "n"

 DB Migration 
Initial Migration: [s]kip, [g]enerate migration file only, generate and [m]igrate [s|g|m]: m

The available Hobo internal locales are :en, :"es-DO", :it (please, contribute to more translations)
Do you want to set a default locale? Type the locale or  to skip: 

 Git Repository 
Do you want to initialize a git repository now? [y|n] n

けっこう適当に答えてできあがったプロジェクトでrails sすると、次のようになります。


このplugin(よりももっと上の階層の振る舞いをするのかな)のすごいところは、ドキュメントがものすごく充実していることで、ここから本当に丁寧にStep by Stepなチュートリアルを記述してあるPDFの「本」がダウンロードできます。ざっと読んでみて、明日からしばらくこのチュートリアルをやってみようかな、と思わせる丁寧さです。


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